InData & Society: PointsbyBobbi RakovaA New Framework for Coming to Terms with AlgorithmsReflections on terms of service, gender equity, and chatbotsMay 24, 20233May 24, 20233
InData & Society: PointsbyBen WintersAlgorithms’ Transparency Problem is Everyone’s ProblemWithout meaningful transparency, enforcement of any civil or consumer rights is nearly impossible.May 10, 2023May 10, 2023
InData & Society: PointsbyDasha PrussHow Recidivism Risk Assessments Impede JusticeThese tools illustrate the kinds of insidious algorithmic harms that rarely make headlinesApr 12, 2023Apr 12, 2023
InData & Society: PointsbyDevansh SaxenaHow Algorithms Are Harming Child Welfare Agencies and the Kids They ServeAlgorithms have added more barriers to the evidence-based decision-making children in the care of these agencies so badly need.Apr 12, 2023Apr 12, 2023
InData & Society: PointsbyAgrigorovichWe Need to Talk About “Digital Ageism”Bridging critical gerontology and data and information scholarship is a win-win.Mar 29, 2023Mar 29, 2023
InData & Society: PointsbyLaura ForlanoWhen Things Go Beep in the NightThe AI system that is keeping me alive is ruining my life.Mar 15, 20234Mar 15, 20234
InData & Society: PointsbyJutta HaiderAlgorithmically embodied emissions: algorithmic harm and climate changeby Jutta Haider and Malte RödlFeb 28, 2023Feb 28, 2023
InData & Society: PointsbyNathalie DiBerardinoAlgorithmic Harms and Algorithmic WrongsThe language of harms and wrongs helps us understand what constitutes algorithmic harm, and how to address it.Feb 15, 2023Feb 15, 2023
InData & Society: PointsbyData & SocietyThe Social Life of Algorithmic HarmsThis series of essays seeks to expand our vocabulary of algorithmic harms — and with it, our capacity to defend ourselves against them.Feb 15, 2023Feb 15, 2023